Post on March 26, 2024 using #GiveUNC.
We have 24 hours to celebrate what makes Carolina Law a place like no other and honor the impact it generates. The success of GiveUNC, our seventh annual day of giving, depends on friends and alumni coming together and showing your support for Carolina Law.
With your help, we can expand opportunities and access to students, faculty, and the next generation of lawyer-leaders. Please consider sharing GiveUNC messages within your network of colleagues, followers, coworkers, and fellow alumni.
Social Media Challenges
8 am-9 am EST – Carolina Mug Challenge – Wake up! It’s #GiveUNC 2024! Support #GiveUNC by snapping a pic as you’re enjoying your morning cup o’ joe. The best five photos will be selected and winners will receive a shiny new Carolina Law travel mug. Be sure to tag us @unc_law and #GiveUNC so we can see those gorgeous mugs!
All day: Golden #GiveUNC Ticket Scavenger Hunt – Find a ticket, get a prize; easy as that! 5 Golden #GiveUNC Tickets have been hidden in different public (not offices!) locations inside the law school. Be the first to find one and you’ll be able to exchange it for a bag of Carolina Law merch! Happy hunting!
Sample Email
Support Carolina Law on GiveUNC
Dear friend, please consider joining me in supporting Carolina Law today on GiveUNC.
Support for Carolina Law helps preserve the school’s place as one of the best value law educations in the country. Unrestricted funding from gifts of any size gives Carolina Law the edge to recruit exceptional students through scholarships, experiential learning opportunities, and support our faculty and clinics. Thanks to the support of donors, Carolina Law jumped 23 spots to land in the Top 25 law schools last year.
Join me in contributing to Carolina Law on GiveUNC here: https://giveunc.unc.edu/cause/unc-school-of-law.
Sample Posts for LinkedIn, X, or Facebook
The posts below are suggestions to make it easy to share #GiveUNC with your friends and followers. Change the text and links to share what matters most to you at Carolina and help spread the love on #GiveUNC.
Before GiveUNC
Day of GiveUNC: March 26, 2024
Shareable Social Media Posts
We’ve got images formatted and ready for you to use on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or wherever you want to share your love of Carolina on GiveUNC! Share your GiveUNC love by copying and downloading the images below.