Thank you!
The remarkable generosity of our Carolina community inspires us every year! Carolina continues to be a place like no other because of you. Your support is foundational for the people, experiences and cutting-edge work led by Tar Heels across the state, nation and world.
Thank you for championing the causes that matter most to you and for making GiveUNC a day like no other.
See text version of the following infographic.

Last year GiveUNC raised $8,604,544 from 12,701 total gifts and 9,323 total donors. There were 519 student donors and 1,074 student attendees at our campus event engagement. Highlighted challenges included: $100,000 for 60 faculty and staff donors to the Gillings School of Global Public Health; $50,000 for 300 gifts to the School of Law; $100,000 for 75 donors to UNC Health Foundation; and $50,000 for 400 donors to The Carolina Fund.