A place like no other. A day like no other.
What is it that makes Carolina a place like no other?
From world-class research, innovation and education to community, collaboration and service to the state, it’s the people that bind Tar Heels across the globe to this extraordinary university. By participating in GiveUNC, you are supporting the passion, determination, creativity and excellence of the people who are truly making Carolina a place like no other.
On Tuesday, March 26, 2024, join us for GiveUNC — UNC-Chapel Hill’s annual day of giving.
Support the people, experiences and groundbreaking work being done by Tar Heels across the world. Join forces with the thousands of alumni, students, parents, friends, faculty and staff who come together over the course of 24 hours to share their love for Carolina.
Your support makes a difference!
GiveUNC 2023 was successful thanks to YOU! Because of your support of the people, experiences and innovative and groundbreaking work being done by Tar Heels across the state, nation and world, Carolina is truly a place like no other.
Save the date. Mark your calendars. Spread the word.
On Tuesday, March 26, 2024, make a gift to the areas on campus that mean the most to you. Peruse the dozens of challenges and time your gift to make an even bigger impact. Share why you love Carolina, and encourage your friends to participate in this 24-hour fundraising challenge.
Together, we’ll make this GiveUNC a day like no other!