Adams School of Dentistry
$5,000 for 35 donors
Dr. Jeff Goldsmith, BS ’11, DDS ’18, MS ’21 and Mrs. Blair S. Goldsmith, BA ’11, MSW ‘13 will give $5,000 to support Orthodontics at UNC if 35 donors make a gift to the UNC Adams School of Dentistry.
$10,000 for 40 Donors
Dr. Mark E. Hyman BA ’80 DDS ’84 and Mrs. Anita Kaye Hyman will give $10,000 to the Dental Foundation Gift Fund if 40 donors make a gift to the UNC Adams School of Dentistry.
$1,000 for 20 Donors
Dr. John W. McNeill, DDS ‘91 and Mrs. Caryn C. McNeill will give $1,000 to support Global Health and international service trips if 20 donors make a gift to the UNC Adams School of Dentistry.
$500 for 15 donors
Ms. Kayla R. Scinta BSDH ’17 will give $500 to Dental Hygiene if 15 donors make a gift to the UNC Adams School of Dentistry.
American Indian Center
$500 for 10 student donors
With 10 student donations of any amount, Alum Kerry Bird (‘86) will donate $500 to the AIC General Endowment.
Center for Galapagos Studies
$8,000 Dollar-for-Dollar Match
Donald Wagoner has pledged to match gifts to UNC Center for Galapagos Studies dollar for dollar up to $8,000!
College of Arts and Sciences
$10,000 Match
Carolina Center for Jewish Studies
David Kaplan ’93, a Carolina Center for Jewish Studies advisory board member, will match all gifts to the Center dollar for dollar up to $10,000 today for GiveUNC.
$50,000 Match of $1,500+ Gifts
Dean’s Circle Challenge
Dean’s Circle members Matt ’97 and Paige ’97 Guest have generously agreed to match all gifts of $1,500 or more to the Arts and Sciences Fund up to $50,000 today for GiveUNC!
$5,000 for 15 Donors
Department of Romance Studies
Sam ’22, Dena ’88, Chris and Ben Moore are giving $5,000 to the Department of Romance Studies.
$10,000 for 40 Donors
Department of Political Science
Whit Ayres, M.A. ’77, Ph.D. ’79 will give $10,000 to support the Department of Political Science when 40 donors make a gift to the department today!
$40,000 for 40 Donors
Study Abroad
Dr. Diana Wheeler and Dr. Donald Davis will give $40,000 to support Study Abroad once 40 donors make a gift to the program today!
$10,000 Match
Writing and Learning Center
A generous Carolina couple will match all gifts to the Writing and Learning Center dollar for dollar up to $10,000.
Graduate School
$7,000 for 10 gifts
If 10 people make a gift to support Summer Research Fellowships, a $7,000 gift will be unlocked from Dr. Kevin Satisky ’96 and Dr. Judith Thorn, PhD ’97.
$10,000 for 10 gifts
When 10 gifts are made to support experiential learning, Pamela K. Lattimore ’81, Ph.D. ’87, will unlock a $10,000 gift. If 20 gifts are made, her contribution will double to $20,000.
$10,000 for 20 donors
Dr. And Mrs. Steve Matson, former dean of The Graduate School (2008-2018), will make a gift of $10,000 if 20 donors give to support graduate school fellowships.
$1,000 for every 10 gifts up to $10,000
An anonymous donor will give $1,000 for every 10 gifts up to $10,000 to the Graduate School Dean’s Fund.
$2,500 for 25 donors
Alumnus Dan Taber ’10 (PhD) will give $2,500 if 25 Royster alumni donate any amount to the Royster Society of Fellows.
Morehead Planetarium and Science Center
$5,000 Match
Help us unlock a $5,000 gift! One of our generous donors will match the total amount, up to $5,000!
Nutrition Research Institute
$10,000 Match
The NRI Advisory Board will match gifts to the NRI dollar for dollar up to $10,000.
Scholarships and Student Aid
$10,000 for 20 Donors
Alumni from the classes of 1977 and 1979 will donate $10,000 once 20 donors make a gift to the Carolina Covenant Scholarship.
School of Education
$10,000 for an Additional 50 Gifts Before End of Day
Bonus Challenge of $10,000 from UNC alumnus, Robert A. Rechholtz ’58 (B.S.B.A.) if we get an additional 50 gifts before the end of the day. Gifts may be made to any fund in the School of Education including the one Mr. Rechholtz established in memory of his late wife. The Caroline Osborne Rechholtz Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to students who exemplify Caroline’s love of teaching and care for the well-being of students.
$15,000 for 100 Gifts Before Noon ET
Waynell B. Morris ’68 (A.B.Ed.) will give $15,000 if we reach 100 gifts by noon ET. Gifts may be made to any fund within the School of Education including the Waynell Boggs Morris Scholarship fund, which provides scholarships to North Carolina residents who intend to pursue teaching in North Carolina.
School of Government
$12,000 for 280 Donors
Current and Past members of the School of Government Foundation Board will contribute $12,000 if 280 donors make a gift to any School of Government designation.
$40,000 for 100 Donors
Members of the UNC MPA Alumni Coates Society will give $40,000 to the UNC MPA Program if 100 donors make a gift to ANY UNC MPA designation.
$5,400 for 20 donors
Members of the UNC MPA Alumni Association Board will give $5,400 to the program if 20 donors make a gift to the The UNC MPA Director’s Innovation Endowment Fund.
$50,000 for 50 donors
An Anonymous donor will give $50,000 if 50 donors make a gift to The School of Government Foundation, designation 050585.
School of Nursing
$20 for SWAG Bag
Be one of the first 75 donors during this 75th anniversary to give $20 or more and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a School of Nursing Swag Bag!
$40 of 40 donors for matching gift
Help us celebrate the legacy of Carol Durham, MSN ’82 and her 40+ years of service to Carolina Nursing! With 40+ donors of $40 or more, we’ll unlock a matching gift from an anonymous donor!
$1,000 for 15 donors
Chair of the Alumni Association Board of Directors, Schquthia Peacock, BSN ’92, MSN ’99, will donate $1,000 if 15 current students or recent grads (last 5 years) make a gift of any size.
Sonja Haynes Stone Center
$100 for each donor up to $1,000
Laura Anderson Wright, ’91 will donate $100 for each donor to the Stone Center on GiveUNC, up to $1,000.
$1,000 for 10 donors who make a gift of $50+ between 10am and 2pm
Laura Anderson Wright, ’91, will give $1,000 if 10 donors make a gift of $50+ between 10 am and 2 pm.
UNC Global Affairs
$25,000 for 50 Donors
A generous donor will give $25,000 if 50 donors make a gift to the Chancellor’s Global Education Fund on GiveUNC.
University Libraries
$1,000 for 50 gifts
Joanne Olszewski, in memory of Bernard John Olszewski ‘62, will give $1,000 if 50 gifts are made to the University Libraries.
$5,000 for 100 gifts
Kim Kwok ‘86, current Carolina parent and Friend of the Library Board Member, will give $5,000 if 100 gifts are made to the University Libraries.
$5,000 for 150 gifts
Kristy Woodson Harvey ’07, Friend of the Library Board Member, will give $5,000 if 150 gifts are made to the University Libraries.
$12,000 for 200 gifts
Former Carolina Roommates and current Friend of the Library Board Members, Greg Parent ’92, JD ’98 and Ruffin Hall ’92, MPA ’93 will give $12,000 if 200 gifts are made to the University Libraries.