A small group of individuals standing next to a UNC Asian American Center sign holding artwork and posing for a picture.

Asian American Center

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Founded in 2020, the UNC Asian American Center (AAC) is a center in the Office of the Provost, focused on amplifying academic and community engagement with Asian American studies, arts, and communities. The AAC collaborates with schools, departments, and organizations across the entire campus. Key programs include a student project incubator, a collaborative oral history project, and the AAC Fellows program, the only such program of its kind in the nation, which brings national experts to collaborate, workshop, and present their work. The AAC offers events ranging from lectures to workshops and performances as well as incubating and supporting student-faculty projects and collaborative community work.


Two individuals standing and reading/taking a picture of information from a poster placed on the wall.


Your unrestricted gift to the general endowment fund ensures that year to year, the AAC will be able to sustain its programming. From bringing in top experts and artists to supporting new courses and individual research, your support enables every aspect of our work at Carolina. 

A small group of individuals sitting and conversing at a table.


As interest in Asian American studies and communities grows on campus, so does interest in student research, conference attendance, artistic endeavors, and community-engaged projects. Your gift supports grants for students who are enhancing their own understanding of Asian America.