Carolina cheerleaders cheering in a tunnel leading to the Kenan Stadium football field

A Place
Like No Other,
A Day
Like No Other

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GiveUNC 3.25.25 logo in the middle of a collage of Carolina students

It’s giving community. It’s giving back.

It’s GiveUNC!

It’s giving community. It’s giving excellence. It’s giving back. It’s GiveUNC.  

Carolina is more than just a university — it’s a place where academic success, research and athletics come together to create something extraordinary. 

GiveUNC may only last 24 hours, but your support creates transformational experiences for future Tar Heels and makes a profound, lasting impact in our communities near and far.

By making a gift today, you are supporting the passion, determination, creativity and excellence of the people who make Carolina a place like no other. We are not just classmates, colleagues, alumni, or fans – we’re Tar Heels. Together, we’ll make GiveUNC 2025 a day like no other.

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